Ashtanga Yoga is a traditional yoga approach created by Sri Patanjali millennia ago. Ashtanga means eight limbs: Yama (Self Control), Nyama (Observations), Asana (Physical Postures), Pranayama (Adverse Processes), Pratyahara (Inner Attention), Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana (Meditation) and Samadhi (Trance). But in the 20th century it was publicized by S.K. Pattabhi Jois as an approach of asanas in sequence, having as its main therapeutic factor physical detoxification and mind control as the scope of yoga in its deepest sense.
Ashtanga Yoga as a method taught by Patabhi Jois and today represented by his grandson Sharathji in India, specifically in the city of Mysore, in the south of the country, is based on a sequence of asanas divided into different series. This set of postures has as its essence the concept of vinyasa which means movement and breathing. The postures connect to each other in a continuous flow, warming up the practitioner’s body allowing deep detoxification. Tristhana means three points of attention, namely asana, breathing and eye focus, as these points are the basis of the method.



6:15am to 9:40am MYSORE
12:00pm to 2:00pm MYSORE
5:00pm to 08:00pm MYSORE


6:15am to 8:00am MYSORE
12:00pm to 2:00pm MYSORE
5:00pm to 08:00pm MYSORE


6:15am to 9:40am MYSORE
12:00pm to 2:00pm MYSORE
5:00pm to 08:00pm MYSORE


6:15am to 9:40am MYSORE
12:00pm to 2:00pm MYSORE
5:00pm to 08:00pm MYSORE


6:15am to 9:40am MYSORE
12:00pm to 2:00pm MYSORE


7:00am to 9:00am MYSORE
Mysore Style is the name given to the practical approach in the classroom, where the group of students develop their series specifically respecting their pace, tempo and condition. With all attention and care, the teacher leads each student into the particular reality, allowing a single class of different levels to be time consuming. Obviously beginners are also supported and extended effectively. In this way, a unique energy of group and individuality is created at the same time.
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Atendimento Goura Shala
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